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Welcome to Potley Hill Primary School

Dream Big, Aim High & Make a Difference

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Family Support

My name is Sally-anne Ward and I’m your Family Support Worker – FSW. I’m in school daily and am able to support both you and your child/ren with a number of issues that may arise during your time at Potley Hill Primary School.

I have a background in child care and have spent the last 18 years working directly with families including being a Family Support Worker at a previous school together with being a children’s support worker in a refuge for victims of domestic abuse, support worker in a children’s centre and support worker for homeless young families. I joined the team at Potley Hill in April 2024 and I can offer support and advice on a range of issues including but not limited to:

  • Parenting
  • Settling to / managing school life and routine
  • Behaviour management
  • Family relationships
  • Bereavement support
  • Mental health
  • Young Carers
  • SEN family support
  • Debt management
  • Claiming what you’re entitled to (including pupil premium)

If I can’t help, I will do my best to signpost to someone who can!

I meet with parents / carers to discuss the family’s situation and will usually then work with the child/ren too. This work is done through games, drawing and other mediums like sand and dough. At times, group work is a better approach and this works well if children are struggling with friendships or, for example, need support to boost their self-esteem.

Appointments to see me can be made via the school office or drop me an e-mail: I can also be found on the school playground most mornings.

Below you will find a list and links to some helpful websites that might be able to support you in a range of different ways:


Children’s mental health     

Being active – physically and socially, can greatly support mental health. Please see our Family Support Worker if you need help to find a new club for your child – sport, youth group, scouting, guiding etc.

Place 2 Be

Young Minds

NHS Childrens Mental Health


Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice provide invaluable support for many people within the school community across a wide range of issues. For further information about how to best access Citizens Advice please speak to our Family Support Worker or self-refer directly via their website by following this link.


Domestic Abuse

If you are in an abusive relationship then help is always available. If you need support to leave or if you simply want to talk things through with a professional who can provide gentle advice please contact the team at Hampshire, further details in this link:

Hants - Domestic Abuse Guidance



For any housing enquires that can’t be answered by your local authority or after speaking to our Family Support Worker, Shelter are a great charity who know their stuff about housing and homelessness.



Young carers (Hart)

Support for children / young people who are involved with the care of others or are affected by a family members poor mental health.

Hart Young Carers


Cost of living

The Hart ‘cost of living support hub’ is a valuable resource if you are feeling the squeeze from the current, and ongoing, cost of living crisis.  Lots of advice on where to save and where to find a few extra pounds.

Hart - Cost of Living Support


Food Bank

School can issue your family with a food bank voucher if you’re finding things too tricky and money is really short. Just speak to our Family Support Worker and we’ll arrange this for you.

Hart - Foodbank


Hart community pantry

This is a super, local (Yateley) scheme that can help your money to go that little bit further.

Hart Community Pantry


Parent (and professional) support

P.A.C.E stands for Parent, Carer and Professional Events. They are Hampshire based and run a number of really helpful workshops, aimed at supporting young people through challenging times. They are an excellent resource for parents of our older children.

Hants PACE


Bereavement – supporting your child

There are some wonderful charities out there who can support your child when someone close to them dies. These charities can also help if someone close to the child has a terminal illness.

Daisys Dream

NHS - Children and Bereavement 

Winstons Wish

